Jen Konaan Kake: Codependency

Alexandra Pecoraro, translated by Janerose Ralpho

Jimjera eo ej codependent ej kwalok juon degree in eo elap an kairiri, ijoke juon armij ejjab lap an self-sufficiency ak autonomy, im juon ak jimor rej bedbed ion ro rej iakwe ir nan fulfillment. Jabdrewot armij elon aer maron nan codependent botaab elon studies rej kwalok k armij ro rekar ioon trauma ak abuse/neglect jen ro jinen ak jemen renij erom juon codependent. Ej walok menin kinke armij rej kijoor koman bwe raikwij kabuburon ro jineir im jemeir, abusers, im naij partner ro aer. Enin ej jet iaan sign komaron in abang kon codependency ilo juon jimjera. 

  • Juon konaan bwe en lap aer komaan jen jonan eo rakwijin koman kinke elap aer bok eddro in action ko an ro jet
  • Mijak ne emaak iaan k enij laplok an bin an koman pepe im koman oktak
  • Enij bin an kwalok buruoen im kwalok ta eo ej enjake kinke ejjab trust ro jet im emake

Ne kwoj riiti kein kakolle kein im koj ba jab….Ij enjake jen iaan men kein kajjitok ibben kwe make kajjitok kein jen innem ne koj konaan elonlak kajjitok komaron tel nan kajjitok ilo Mental Health America.

  • Kwoj k enjake k elap am jenij kwe make nan kake aikwij ko an partner eo am?
  • Ebin k am ba jab nan partner eo am ne ej ba kwon komaan juon men eo elap an bok ien eo am kab en kajur eo am?
  • Kwoj k cover problem ko am partner eo ikijen uno ko rekajur, arkooḷ, kab kein?
  • Kwoj k kijoor inepata kon ta armij eo ro jet rej lomnak kon iok?
  • Kwoj k enjake am stuck ilo jimjera eo am?
  • Kwoj k kijoor jab ekeroro bwe en jab koman akwel?

Ejjab na juon trained psychologist, im ijjab kajeon etale kwe. Ne kwoj connect nan kajjitok kein im kadkadin ko ikijen juon armij, imaron kwalok jet online im local counseling resources nan jiban waween in ewalok im kajenlok ta koj lomnak kake kab enjake.

  • Kwoj likit kōṇaan im aikwij ko am mokta. Enij katlok bwe kwon connect ibben kwe make im kalok confidence eo am
  • Kwoj katolok kwe jen mwil eo enana, eniwot juon eo ej lale im ej katlok an koman jabdrewot, im enij katlok kwe ak kwe im partner eo am ital jen jimjera ko rejjab ekkar
  • Eman lak am uwaak jen am kwalok ta eo koj enjake. Enij kwalok k kwoj koman clear boundaries, im koj meanwōd. Kwojjab kwalok k lomnak ko an ro jet rej impact self-worth eo am, im kwoj ba jab/emman ne rej ba jab nan kwe

Elon an aelop men rej kajeon jelmae im ejjab melelein k koj unworthy, joraan, ak messed up. Ej melelein k jej rittolak, katok im jej oktaklak aelop raan. Ije lal elon jet iaan resources ko komaron etale kon codependency im nationally online counseling resources!


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